Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
I am thankful for my husband, Scotty. |
I am thankful for my family, and everyone in it.
You give me strength and support and a healthy dose of anything
I need at the moment: sarcasm, humor, reality, optimism. | | | | |
I am thankful for my bearded dragon, Loki. |
I am thankful for bookstores and libraries. |
I am thankful to live in such a beautiful place. |
I am thankful for smiling babies. (Ohmygosh, look at baby Lorelai!) |
I am thankful we have ways to get around.
Especially since they are pretty ways to get around. |
I am thankful for the coming holiday season. |
I am thankful for vacations and time to relax. |
I am thankful for good food. |
I am thankful for the beauty of nature. |
And I am thankful for the small moments in life. |