Some pictures...

An iguana with his blankie

A monitor lizard (fun fact, monitors are very intelligent for lizards and some can even count)

I can't remember what this guy was... maybe a juvenile monitor.

Juvenile bearded dragons

A very friendly eyelash crested gecko

If I got a gecko, it'd be one of these guys :)

Me, with a very gentle tarantula
AND, my favorite part... baby tortoise racing!

It was the cutest thing ever... it was put on as a fundraiser by the Arizona Herpetological Association. You could put a dollar towards your favorite tortoise to win. We put a dollar towards one named Flash (pictured above). That worked out pretty well as you can see from the video of that race here (it's short. And adorable).
I found this necklace there that I liked.

Afterwards, we went to MacAlpine's Soda Fountain. It's sandwiched between two antique stores and the whole place is awesome. I got a Dr Pepper float, and Scotty got the Brady Bunch float, which has chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with butterscotch soda. We left very full and happy.

Then we came home and spent some time with our own lizard, haha. (Genbu also got to roam around, but after I had already put the camera away.)

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