Oh my gosh. There are so many starred items in my Google Reader that I need to
write about for Hearing Sparks, it's kind of overwhelming. I am happy I've found enough to inspire me to write a daily blog post Monday through Friday, but sometimes it feels like I need to be writing all day to keep up with it.
Today has been long. Long and boring. I did the laundry and took a shower and cleaned the room and watched Loki and
Animal Cops. For some reason a lot of television has had the power to make me teary today. I caught a little bit of
Pet Stars before
Animal Cops and I almost started crying because it felt like the animals were so happy to be performing and making people happy. Seriously, hormones? That's just crazy. Then, of course, watching
Animal Cops didn't help either. Poor little Floridian and Arizonian puppies and kitties and parakeets.
It looked like rain today (and my phone is telling me there's a flood warning), but the sky is blue and it hasn't rained a drop today. That's how the monsoon season has been so far around here. A few drops yesterday, a 30-second downpour on my way home on Saturday. Nothing compared to previous years. However, the rain from this spring means there's a lot of animal activity around, and many of them are flourishing - I've been seeing a lot of rabbits, hawks, vultures and coyotes. A couple week or so ago a huge California king snake slithered under the side porch and last night we spotted this tarantula on the same porch:
Sorry for the terrible picture, but isn't he cool? I thought he was, at least.
There was also a cool rainbow on Saturday.
Yesterday Scotty and I went out for breakfast with his cousin Stephen, and stopped at the Verizon store on the way home so I could look at the Android phones. My brother just got an Incredible, and Alicia has a Droid. Scotty was due for an upgrade, and they are having a deal - buy one Android phone and get the second free. So we got a pair of
LG Allys. (I liked the Droid but the Ally has a better hearing aid rating.) I have to say it is quite awesome. We got both phones for $50 (once we get the $100 rebate back). A smartphone for $25 is hard to pass up even with the monthly fee. I love this phone. It's sturdy, it has access to all the apps I could ever want, it's quick, and I have a pink case for it. It is awesome. Plus that's another blog entry I can write about - how accessible it is.
Ok... I'll end this entry with more Loki pictures, because you all know I love my lizard.

She looks SO SMALL in this picture, and it was only a week or so ago. Must be the angle.

That's a water droplet on her head. She hates the water, unless she's running through her water dish on the way to something more important. I saw a video where somebody put a drop of water on their baby dragon's head and they licked it off, and it was so cute. So I put a drop of water on Loki's head and I got this look.

"I'm on a gecko."

Waiting patiently for live crickets.

Cute look. :)