It was FOGGY!

Flamingos in front of the restaurant.

This peacock has the right idea... don't wait for them to feed you, go to the food!

A gibbon. There was a baby in their enclosure, and he was so cute!

He was sleeping... but doesn't he look happy?

I loved this monitor lizard. He was so cute and friendly.

I also loved this crocodile. He looks like a Disney character to me with his big eyes and snaggly teeth.

Galapagos tortoise. We arrived early in the morning when they were feeding the animals, so they were either eating or waiting excitedly for food.

Baby porcupine!

Baby... um... I'm not sure.


My favorite picture - a zebra.

Feeding the giraffes!

We took the train ride through some of the exhibits.


Scotty with a sulcata tortoise.

Me with the goats. Oh my gosh, the black one I'm holding was so cute. He climbed right into my lap. Also note the other one behind me chewing on my new bag.

Arrrghhh so cute.

Part of the aquarium - there are 3 buildings filled with tanks.

Feeding the rays.

We stopped by Ikea and Fry's Electronics, and Scotty won this Yoshi for me from a game machine :)
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